How a Baby May Be Affected by Traumatic Birth

The First – and One of the Most Impactful – Moments of Your Child’s Life

While it may be true that a child won’t remember their birth, they will nevertheless be shaped by the experience. Birth trauma is, unfortunately, common, and it leaves lasting effects on the babies who endure it.

Recognizing Traumatic Birth

Any event that causes a mother distress during or following her childbirth is considered birth trauma. Mothers and babies alike can face long-lasting traumatic effects from a number of commonplace actions and birth injuries, including:

  • Being taken away from a mother right after birth
  • Caesarian section
  • Induced labor
  • Loss of a twin
  • Premature birth
  • Stress

Traumatic births can negatively impact a child’s development. The child can even be affected by a mother who is recovering from a traumatic birth, as they are sensitive to the emotions of their parents.

How Early Trauma Affects a Baby

Early childhood trauma affects the way a child’s brain and nervous system develop. Beyond these changes, the child is likely to suffer long-term effects on their:

  • Ability to handle conflicts
  • Ability to manage stress
  • Coordination
  • Early language skills
  • Emotional health
  • Emotional stability
  • Focus
  • Learning capacity
  • Mental health
  • Personality
  • Physical health
  • Self-esteem

If you believe that your child’s developmental delay or your own traumatic birth injuries were the result of negligent medical care, contact the Law Office of David A. Kates. We can help you through the process of determining whether you have a case and advise you how to move forward. Call us today for your free initial consultation: (718) 866-3664.
