Forceps Injury
Queens Forceps Injury Legal Assistance
Dedicated and Comprehensive Legal Representation
Both mothers and children are extremely fragile during labor and delivery, so the thought of involving large, metal “salad tongs” is understandably frightening for many families. While these devices are sometimes necessary to deliver your baby safely, they are often misused and can lead to serious birth injuries, affecting mother and child.
If you are injured by forceps or another assistive device (like a vacuum) in the delivery room, you may be entitled to compensation. The Law Office of David A. Kates can help you understand what went wrong and take legal action, if appropriate.
For more information about what we can do for you, keep reading – and call us at (718) 866-3664 with any questions or concerns or to get started.
Understanding the Use of Forceps in Delivery
Sometimes, women simply cannot push their babies out on their own. In situations like this, an “operative vaginal delivery” may be appropriate. An operative vaginal delivery means your doctor will use forceps or a vacuum to guide your baby through the birth canal.
Doctors may use forceps or a vacuum when:
- You’re pushing, but labor isn’t progressing (doctors give women 1 to 3 hours to push depending on their birth history and whether or not they have an epidural)
- You are exhausted and tell your doctor that you cannot keep pushing
- Your baby’s heartbeat suggests a problem
- You have a medical condition (like heart disease or high blood pressure) that limits the amount of time you can push
In most cases, you have to give your medical provider consent to perform an operative vaginal delivery. This can be a stressful decision, but your doctor may not use forceps or a vacuum without your permission.
When Forceps Should Not Be Used
Even if you give them permission, there are some situations where your medical provider should not recommend or complete an operative vaginal delivery.
Your doctor should never use forceps or vacuum if:
- Your baby has a condition that affects their bones (osteogenesis imperfecta) or a bleeding disorder (hemophilia)
- Your baby’s head has not moved past the midpoint of the birth canal
- Your baby’s shoulders or arms are leading the way through the birth canal
- Your doctor cannot accurately determine the position of the baby’s head
- Medical professionals are concerned your baby will not fit through your pelvis (the baby is too big or your pelvis is too small)
If your doctor performs an operative vaginal delivery without your permission or in any of the situations above, you may have experienced an instance of medical malpractice. Please call our Queens forceps injury lawyer immediately.
Injuries Resulting from Forceps Deliveries
Statistics from a medical journal reveal that 26.5% of mothers who had forceps deliveries experienced obstetrical trauma, and 1 in 4 mothers being injured does not even account for the risks operative vaginal delivery presents to the child.
Forceps deliveries can lead to various injuries, including brachial plexus injuries, cerebral palsy, and other neurological injuries. These injuries can have long-term effects on both the mother and the child, necessitating extensive medical care and rehabilitation.

Results Matter
Millions of Dollars Recovered for Our Clients
$3 Million Automobile Accident
$5 Million Jury Vedict
$5 Million Jury Verdict
$11 Million Settlement
$8 Million Settlement

Why Choose Law Office of David A. Kates, PLLC?
David will personally handle your case from beginning to end.
David brings a tenacious and thorough approach to understanding complex medical issues.
David has over 20 years of professional legal experience.
David has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of his clients.

David Kates prides himself in getting to the bottom of why a patient was hurt and neglected. Call (718) 866-3664 to discuss your case.