Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
Queens Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) Attorney
Get Legal Support for Your HIE Claim
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) occurs when your child does not receive enough oxygen during labor and delivery. If it is not diagnosed quickly enough, your family could suffer unthinkable consequences. HIE and other types of birth asphyxia are responsible for 23% of neonatal deaths worldwide.
Even if your child survives, they could face a lifetime of sensory, cognitive, and behavioral difficulties. This is why you need to discuss your situation with an attorney immediately.
At the Law Offices of David A. Kates, an experienced attorney can answer your questions and help you explore your legal options.
Call Attorney Kates at (718) 866-3664to get started.
What Is Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)?
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) a brain disorder that happens when the brain is cut off from the rest of the body. The UCSF Children's Hospital explains it best:
“HIE is a type of brain dysfunction that occurs when the brain doesn't receive enough oxygen or blood flow for a period of time. Hypoxic means not enough oxygen; ischemic means not enough blood flow; and encephalopathy means brain disorder.”
When the brain is “starved” of oxygen, children can suffer severe brain damage, and some of their other organs may be damaged as well. The severity of your child’s injury will depend on how long their brain was deprived of oxygen.
What Are the Symptoms of HIE?
If HIE is detected right away, doctors may be able to use a technique called “brain cooling” to mitigate the damage. That’s why it’s so important to recognize the symptoms.
In babies, the symptoms of HIE include:
- Being floppy and unreactive to sights or sounds
- Being tense and having intense reactions to stimulation
- Abnormal movements or seizures
- Being unable to feed because of weak muscles in their mouth and throat
- Having a weak cry
- Showing symptoms of organ dysfunction
If your baby demonstrates any of these symptoms during or immediately after birth, they should be transported to a Level 3 or 4 neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU).
Doctors who fail to take this crucial step can be held liable for medical malpractice.
Additionally, if your child has suffered from HIE, you may want to explore potential birth injuries claims.
For more information on related topics, you can visit our pages on Cerebral Palsy and Kernicterus.

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Millions of Dollars Recovered for Our Clients
$3 Million Automobile Accident
$5 Million Jury Vedict
$5 Million Jury Verdict
$11 Million Settlement
$8 Million Settlement

Why Choose Law Office of David A. Kates, PLLC?
David will personally handle your case from beginning to end.
David brings a tenacious and thorough approach to understanding complex medical issues.
David has over 20 years of professional legal experience.
David has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of his clients.

David Kates prides himself in getting to the bottom of why a patient was hurt and neglected. Call (718) 866-3664 to discuss your case.