How Discrimination Can Cause Medical Malpractice


Discrimination in healthcare can take many forms, from racial and ethnic disparities to gender and age discrimination. It can be as overt as a healthcare provider refusing to treat certain patients based on their race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, or as subtle as unconscious biases influencing the quality of care provided.

For instance, studies have shown that people of color and women are often under-treated for pain compared to their white and male counterparts. This discrimination not only affects the quality of care patients receive, but it can also lead to mistrust and avoidance of the healthcare system.

Impact of Discrimination on Patient Care

The impact of discrimination on patient care is profound and multifaceted. It can lead to delayed or inadequate treatment, poorer health outcomes, and increased mortality rates. Discrimination can also cause psychological harm, leading to stress, anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, it can erode trust in the healthcare system, causing patients to avoid seeking care, which further exacerbates health disparities.

It's important to note that these impacts are not just felt by the individuals who experience discrimination but also ripple out to affect communities and the healthcare system as a whole.

How Discrimination Can Lead to Medical Errors

Discrimination can directly contribute to medical errors and medical malpractice. For instance, if a healthcare provider holds unconscious biases against a certain group, they may misinterpret symptoms or dismiss patient complaints, leading to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment.

Similarly, language barriers or cultural misunderstandings can result in inadequate patient-provider communication, increasing the risk of medical errors. It's crucial to recognize these links between discrimination and medical malpractice to address the root causes and prevent such occurrences.

Discrimination as a Root Cause of Medical Negligence

Discrimination can be a root cause of medical negligence, a key component of medical malpractice. When healthcare providers allow their biases to influence their treatment decisions, they may fail to provide the standard of care required, resulting in patient harm.

For example, a provider may neglect to conduct necessary tests or follow-up appointments for a patient based on discriminatory beliefs or stereotypes. This negligence can lead to missed or delayed diagnoses, inappropriate treatment, and patient harm.

The Impact of Discrimination-Induced Medical Malpractice

Effects on Patients & Their Health

The effects of discrimination-induced medical malpractice on patients and their health are severe and far-reaching. Patients who experience this form of malpractice may suffer from worsened health conditions due to delayed or incorrect treatment. They may also experience psychological distress, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The financial burden of additional medical bills and lost wages can further exacerbate these impacts.

Moreover, these experiences can lead to a loss of trust in the healthcare system, causing patients to avoid seeking care in the future.

Legal Protections Against Discrimination in Healthcare

There are several legal protections in place to combat discrimination in healthcare. These include federal laws like the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in healthcare settings. The Affordable Care Act also includes non-discrimination provisions.

However, despite these protections, discrimination persists, highlighting the need for stronger enforcement and additional measures to ensure equal treatment in healthcare.

If you or a loved one has experienced discrimination-induced medical malpractice, it's crucial to seek legal help. The Law Office of David A. Kates, PLLC is committed to fighting for victims of medical malpractice.

Contact us today to discuss your case and explore your legal options.