Did Your Doctor Call You a Hypochondriac? That Could Be Malpractice.


If you've ever been accused of being a hypochondriac by your doctor, it's important to understand that this could be medical malpractice.

A hypochondriac is a person who worries excessively about their health and often imagines serious illnesses even when there are none present. Being labeled as such can be damaging to your mental and emotional health, and it can seriously affect your physical health if a doctor negligently ignores your concerns about your health.

What Is Hypochondria?

Hypochondria, or health anxiety, is a condition where an individual becomes excessively preoccupied with their own physical and mental health. This can cause them to obsessively focus on every minor symptom they experience, believing that it may be a sign of something more serious.

People living with hypochondria often seek medical attention for their symptoms but are rarely satisfied with the diagnosis. Even when tests come back negative, they may continue to have doubts and search for explanations that would fit their beliefs.

Who Can Diagnose Hypochondria?

Hypochondria is usually diagnosed by a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist. They will be able to assess the symptoms, identify any underlying causes, and determine if hypochondria is the correct diagnosis.

If your doctor suspects you may be suffering from hypochondria, they should refer you to a mental health expert who is experienced and qualified to diagnose and treat this condition. While your doctor can diagnose you with hypochondria, failing to refer you to a specialist may constitute negligence – especially if another doctor can identify your symptoms, or your symptoms worsen.

What Should I Do If My Doctor Thinks I’m a Hypochondriac?

Hypochondria is a real mental health condition, which means that not all doctors who suspect their patients of it are engaging in negligence. That said, you should seek a second opinion for the symptoms you’re concerned about from another medical doctor and seek a screening for hypochondria from a mental health professional.

If these other medical professionals believe you may be suffering from a real medical condition, and your symptoms aren’t a result of hypochondria, you should consult with a medical malpractice lawyer. It’s possible that the doctor who accused you of hypochondria may have negligently misdiagnosed you and delayed treatment for a serious condition. You may be owed damages for the additional medical costs you incurred as a result of the misdiagnosis or delayed treatment.

Contact the Law Office of David Kates for Help Now

The Law Office of David Kates is ready and willing to help when people believe their doctor has engaged in medical malpractice. We understand the complexities of such cases and work diligently to ensure our clients can receive justice. We also have the knowledge and skill required to assess your situation, evaluate evidence, and fight for fair legal compensation.

To get started, contact us today to discuss your case and how we can help you. We look forward to hearing from you.
