Vascular Injuries & Medical Malpractice


Vascular injury is a serious and potentially life-threatening issue. In a medical malpractice context, these injuries occur when a medical professional negligently inflicts wounds or lacerations to the arteries, veins, and capillaries, which can happen during surgery or other medical procedures. If not properly treated or managed, these injuries can lead to long-term disability – or they may even be fatal.

Common Types of Vascular Injuries

The most common types of vascular injury associated with medical malpractice include arterial and venous injuries.

Arterial injuries are caused when a doctor damages any artery leading to a body part while trying to remove plaque buildup or perform surgery. Venous injuries can be caused if there is improper placement of catheters, tube insertion, bypass surgeries or other treatments.

Vascular injuries can result in serious damage to the affected area, including impaired circulation, amputation of the limb, and even death. In some cases, the injury may be permanent and require long-term care or extensive rehabilitation.

What Do I Do If I am Suffering from a Vascular Injury?

If you have suffered from a vascular injury due to medical malpractice, it is important that you contact an attorney as soon as possible.

An experienced lawyer can help you build a case and seek compensation for your injuries and losses. They will review all relevant medical records to determine if negligence played a role in your injury and will represent your legal rights throughout the process.

We Can Help with Your Medical Malpractice Claim

Vascular injuries can cause significant physical pain, emotional distress, and financial hardship, and you may be entitled to seek damages as a result. If you believe that you have been affected by medical negligence, it’s important to seek legal guidance right away.

The Law Office of David Kates can help. Our attorney has more than 20 years advocating for personal injury clients who were harmed by a medical professional’s negligence. Should you believe you were harmed in a similar manner, we can help you fight to recover the compensation you need.

For more information and to request a consultation, contact the Law Office of David Kates today.